EduMo is carefully designed All in One Education ERP platform which helps educational institutes to meet today needs and setting you up for future success. This offers end-to-end solutions for every phase of school management like admissions, academic management, staff management, attendance, communication, library, transport, hostel and many more.

EduMo has understood how important Is the personalize education experience over the generalized education in the online culture and all the features we innovated and offer will improve the quality, traceability, usability and adoptability of your day today learning requirements.

EduMo has consolidated all the stakeholders under one-roof including the parents for better discussion making and AI based recommendation, notifications on the student’s progress will provide you a continues follow-up of your child education.

What We Offer
Teacher Module
  • Course / Teacher / Books Advertising
  • Teacher Registration
  • Couse Registration
  • Class Timetable and lesson planning
  • Google Meet and Zoom Online Class Management
  • Online examination and question bank
  • Notice board
  • Assignment
  • Homework
  • Study material management
  • Student progress review
Student Module
  • New course viewing and registration
  • Homework submission
  • Assignment submission
  • Online exam
  • Class time table and cancelation notification
  • Syllabus status viewing
  • Student attendance and leave apply
  • Google Meet and Zoom Online communication
  • Teacher review / Course material download /Notice board
  • Homework status reviewing
  • Student progress reviewing
Front Office Module
  • Admonition inquiry
  • Visitor Book
  • Call log
  • Postal receive and dispatch
  • Complain
  • Notice board
  • Class and students details
Administration Module
  • Class time table creation
  • Assign class teacher
  • Subject creation
  • Notice board
  • Google meet and Zoom Online Class management
  • Online admonition
  • Fees management (Discount / Collection / Reminders )
  • Exam scheduling
  • Exam result management
  • Marksheet and grade management
  • Lesson planning
  • Staff payroll
  • Inventory management
  • Transport management
  • Hostel management
  • Student certificate management
  • Student ID card management
  • Event management
  • Alumni (Events / Past student records )
Library Module
  • Book list
  • Book issue
  • Book return